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A hub full of illustrated fiction by Wersa.


elcome to my Fic Resources carrd. I hope you will find what you are looking for, and if not, you are more than welcome to shoot me a message. Here you will find any and all art, playlists, and more made for my fics, as well as any updates to my writing process. As for the fics themselves, they can be read on my AO3 account or on this carrd ( Canon x OC and OC x OC stuff primarily. ) I have no patreon, all my content is free to consume and I do not delay postings.

CURRENT UPDATES : Trying to write but I'm slow due to mental health reasons. Please bear with. / The vast majority of my fics have been put on hold until further notice. Some might be picked up again in time, but some will never see the light of day again. I'm so sorry about this! Nothing will be taken down from my AO3 page just yet.

Aside from all that, hi! I go by Wersa for business, Runa for shiggles. I'm just a little WLW writer and artist located in Scandinavia, with crippling mental health issues and a soft spot for muscular women. I write when I feel like it, and primarily for myself and my best friends. Oh and I should let it be known that this carrd is a huge WIP while I fill in the resources!



Riot Games, Blizzard Entertainment.
Veersight, Moon.


*&&. QUEUE

* &&. FIC LIST

⭐ denotes new content.


Begin Again
Five Times Kissed
Path To Eternity Ft. Moon


Addicted To Your Light
Do Me
I Need To Feel You Again
In Due Time
Lace and Leather

* &&. ON HOLD

Bring You Home
She Who Ate The Sun
Terrible Confessions
To Remember The Light


Beggin’ For Thread Ft. Jinx
So Close Ft. Moon
Reunion Ft. Moon
In Her Light Ft. Moon

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*&&. QUEUE

* &&. QUEUE

⭐ denotes current brainrot.

* &&. MULTI-CHAPTERS / God help me

Begin Again prologue pt. 2

⭐ Burning prologue pt. 1

Five Times Kissed pt. 2

Surrender pt. 1





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CW: More will be tagged as we go but be advised that this story will heavily feature themes of: Body Horror, Infidelity, Loss, Death

— Your heart fits like a key into the lock on the wall.

Elisabeth Kythera struggles to find her footing in her new home, even as the plague that took her parents still rages on outside the walls of the Zaavan manor. The last of her House, she has gained full access to all the secrets her parents wished to keep from her, and with it comes a hunger for power and knowledge. Two things, she has come to find, that often go hand in hand.Emilia LeBlanc knows everything about power, and she is steadily building a web of everything Elisabeth desires to know more of, underneath the empire of Noxus. She sees great promise in Miss Kythera, and vows to take her under her wing. But, politics aside, what awaits the young mage if she goes down this road? LeBlanc has the answer to that:“Power.”

Author's notes:

Hello, Wersa here! Very excited for this project, but before we begin, there's a couple of things you should know: The way this fic is set up is different from the way Archive allows regarding chapters and such. Therefore, it will look wonky when uploaded there and I apologize for this. If it gets too annoying for you to read it with the mixed formats as it were, you can always find the entire fic on my writing carrd, here. Just be sure to leave any comments you might have on AO3! You will also find any resources used for this fic on this exact page. Huge shoutout to Veersight for helping me get LeBlanc's character down, thanks to her good handful of years writing for her. This story is developed by us over the past many years and we decided to finally write out the entire thing. Or die trying. It's solely based on our roleplays and plotting, and it's for ourselves and the like 3 other people who still ship these two lol.Enjoy! ♡



Dearest Emilia,I hope you know that when I see your beautiful eyes upon me,My heart skips several beats.Your silent vigil has seen me through nights and days when I doubted myself,Your presence has been my sole comfort;My escape.Yes, I have found that within your eyes there is sanctuaryFor a soul that never knew belonging,Until you looked at me.I wish I could put down in words, just how you make me feel.Treasured friend, if only I knew your heart the way you’d know mine,Had I the courage to tell you.Perhaps in another lifetime I could return but a fractionOf the feelings you have sowed in me.I would tell that version of myself to hold your gaze, your hand,And whisper the words that belong to you alone.Perhaps that version of you would look at me different, if she knew.But I hope she would look at me with those same eyes,And I hope that I would have the strength to look back,And find the words.With love, your adoring friend, Elisabeth


I : A kindest heart


soft hum sounded through the large room divided by shelves upon shelves of books, and little else. Finally a decent line was found, and it was promptly copied over from the heavy tome and into Elise’s own, smaller notebook. Who knew how long she had sat there at this point, completely engrossed in her studies. It was hard to tear her eyes off the pages, she found, when the content within them was finally starting to make sense.

Ever since obtaining the keys to her family home’s many doors — some of which were hidden, but not unknown to an only child — she had read through the sealed off section of their library. She had learned why it was sealed off in the first place.A collection of diaries written by her ancestors was perhaps what had caught her attention the most. They followed the events of their lives, dating back to a time before the Rune Wars, even. She had flipped every page, searching for answers she knew would be there — the feeling was indescribable, but something in her blood told her as much.And she had been right. The Kythera bloodline was dripping with magic, a corruptive kind that settled in the blood of its users, to be passed down generation by generation. This realization had brought the unexplainable moments from her childhood to the forefront of her mind;All the times the lights had flicked in her presence when they shouldn’t have, her affinity for fire and the way it always seemed to lean towards her, and, not to forget, the well of something powerful she had always felt inside.Her task was clear to her now. Find a place where she could safely learn more about her heritage, and then figure out how to control the ebb and flow within her. If she could do that, she could learn to wield her magic, she had thought.She just hadn’t realized just how tedious it would be to unlock those floodgates in the first place.

Leaning back in her chair, Elise released a long sigh as her eyes followed the spines of books upwards until they were met with the ceiling above. The elaborate details carved into the beams there held her attention for a while as she pondered.Flickers of doubt arose in her mind. What if she never found a way to master her magic? What if her parents knew it’d be too much for her, and that was their reason for keeping this secret from her?No — she knew exactly why they had never told her about it. If the Rune Wars hadn’t been so recent, perhaps things could have been different, and she would have been an accomplished mage already. She could have had proper tutoring, she could have—Every hair on her body stood on end in an instant, and she turned to look at the sudden presence by the edge of her personal space. Goodness, how long had she been there? Elise recognized those eyes almost instantly, the soft blue hues she had come to be rather familiar with, at that point, even.Gradually relaxing her shoulders, she couldn’t help the smile that tugged at her lips once she realized they were alone.“Ah, dear Elise! Tis’ a lovely evening is it not?” The other had already occupied herself with perusing through the wide category of thick tomes and scrolls tucked away into the nooks of the weathered shelves. She turned her head then, a soft smile etched across her lips as she continued, “A perfect excuse to burn the midnight oil, if I do say so myself. Have you found anything of interest for tonight’s reading? If not, I have more than a handful of recommendations.”“Emilia, the night is only made lovelier by your presence.” Elise’s lips curled at the edges.Emilia’s own smile remained as she delicately gestured to a nearby table, stacked high with the spines of leather manuscripts and well-worn parchment. A worthy pile, and certainly well-curated if Emilia’s other tastes in novels was anything to go by.Elise’s eyes followed the movement of Emilia’s hand, noting the sheer amount of material on that table before looking back at the other with a curious light behind her eyes. She leaned back over the table where her own tome still laid open, elbows resting on either side of it, only to lean her head down on her hands as she allowed her fingertips to drum gently at her cheekbones, thoughtful.“I did wonder why none of those had made it onto the shelves. Well, I suppose there is no harm in having a look. Did you collect all of these yourself? If so, would I be able to find anything on the type of magic I told you of, in there?”She allowed her hands to lower back onto the table, then, before gently pushing off the chair. Rolling her shoulders as she made her way towards the piles of what she assumed to be research material, she only stopped briefly as she reached Emilia’s side. Sending her a smile of barely withheld fondness, she uttered in a lower voice, “And, by the way, it shouldn’t hurt you to make your presence known a little sooner next time, dear.”Emilia’s smile grew into something a little more mischievous, and she placed the scroll she had been holding back into its designated place on the shelf before joining Elise by the table. “I’ll be sure to rustle some papers or hum a pensive tune so as to not surprise you in the future.” She chuckled, her hand already moving towards another maroon coloured cover close by. Emilia slid it close to Elise in one swift motion, a twinkle of interest marking her gaze and her capriciousness replaced with a soft sincerity as she spoke.“Some of these works have a home amidst my collection, but to be truthful with you, most of them reside here in the library — merely tucked away in the shadows. This one in particular may be of interest though, Gregori had told me it has a chapter or two regarding blood magic and some other various types of niche practices accompanying it. Perhaps it’ll help you find some answers to your questions.”Elise’s eyes betrayed her appreciation before her mouth did, by narrowing in a smiling fashion as she turned her head to look at her companion. And then she smiled, fully, in a way that lifted her otherwise cold and removed features into something so light and sincere.“Oh, Emi. This is… Thank you.”Stepping in closer, Elise’s arms opened in a way of signaling Emilia closer, as well. They met in a warm embrace, Emilia resting her chin down on a shoulder while Elise turned her face into the crook of Emilia’s neck. Elise could feel the way Emilia lightly placed her hands against her shoulders beneath her endless locks of stark white hair, and she met her halfway by moving her own onto the spot between Emilia’s shoulder blades, fingers splaying slightly against her dress.“You’re most welcome, dear Elise.” Emilia muttered softly.Their hearts beat as if in unison, and yet neither of them commented on the heavy thumping between them. It was Elise who drew away first, albeit with a slight reluctance to the way her arms loosened and then let go of the other.Turning back to the table, she allowed a finger to tap gently against the cover of the book Emilia had picked out for her. It seemed promising enough, with where she was currently up to in her research; magic versus the physical corruption of the body.And just like that, hours passed reading once again. Only this time, Elise wasn’t alone. As the night went on, she and Emilia both moved around when they needed to find a new source of information, or they simply needed to stretch out for a little bit.They eventually found themselves sitting on the floor, snugly wrapped in the blanket Elise had brought with her when she began spending her nights in the library.“This doesn’t make any sense,” Elise sighed. Emilia looked up from the pages they were both reading, to instead watch Elise’s expression with piqued curiosity. “How can certain types of magic exist within the body, but there are little to no records of just how corrupting they are to the body, let alone—”“Elise,” Emilia placed a hand down on the page that had gotten her friend so wound up. “You are getting frustrated, might it be time for another break? To ease your mind and regain your clarity, I’ll do the same.” She tilted her head to meet Elise’s stare amidst the dim flood of candlelight and waited while Elise released a breathy sigh.“All right, but only for a little bit,” Elise said, and the way her voice wavered drew Emilia’s attention all the more.“Hm, penny for your thoughts, dear?”Elise sank a little deeper into her position against Emilia, who lifted an arm to accommodate her. The book was promptly closed and carefully placed down beside them. “I’m not sure where to even begin,” Elise admitted. “I should be thinking about the fact that they kept something so vital, so life altering, from me and yet — all I can think of is how much I love them, and they loved me. I should be angry, but I miss them more.”“Your parents sound like they were great people, not just great minds. To miss them, despite them not saying the full truth— is a testament to that,” Emilia noted. She was gently caressing Elise with her thumb on the shoulder she was holding.Elise rested her head down on Emilia’s shoulder, in turn. “They were. It wasn’t always easy, growing up, but I never doubted that they loved me.”Emilia gave Elise’s shoulder a slight squeeze, then allowed her fingers to toy idly with a lock of her hair, soft like a dove’s feathers. Elise allowed this, her eyes slowly fluttering closed. They both remained sitting like that for a while, an unspoken request to just exist in the presence of each other, without any more words to distract from the simplest of feelings; comfort.Their research was all but forgotten now, and whatever desire there had been to continue was dwindling by the minute. The book rested securely on the floor, as did they — at least, until the moment doors opened and footsteps entered the area.Elise’s eyes opened abruptly, and she leaned her weight off of Emilia’s side on instinct, as if she had been caught in the middle of a forbidden act.Her violet haired companion perked up in similar surprise, though didn’t yet move the hand resting on Elise’s lower back even as she already had her head turned to the direction of the disruption.“This is a library, not a bedchamber,” came an all too familiar voice. Margarette was lighting the candles around the room as she made her way towards where Elise and Emilia had been sitting moments prior. No doubt she had seen the lights the two had been using and taken an educated guess as to who had been occupying the space all night. Again.She came to a stop before the two, holding her journal securely in the crook of her arm.“Miss LeBlanc, Miss Kythera,” she drew out Elise’s last name a tad more than she did Emilia’s, sounding oh so serious as she leveled them both with a look over the top of her glasses. Then, she looked at the nearby table, speaking in a softer tone, now, “Books upon books, and yet I see no food. No water. Please be better at remembering to fuel your bodies as well as your minds — your research requires it, Ladies.”A small smile spread over the librarian’s features. Soft, but saddened too in its own way. And with that, Margarette took her leave. She returned to her post by the far wall behind her desk.Emilia turned towards Elise, having since bundled up the blanket in her arms. She held it out towards Elise, who took it with a small smile playing at her lips. “My, I hadn’t even noticed the time.”“It’s hard to do so, when you are this far underground I’m afraid.” Emilia offered, lingering close to the other for a moment longer. A playful smirk was delicately etched across her features, mirroring Elise’s own “Do go home and rest now, you deserve it. I will see you again very soon.”Elise had to fight the urge to ask when she would be seeing Emilia again, her lips pursing for but a moment before smiling subtly at her friend. She picked up the tome she had brought with her, “Very well, I have been ushered to my chambers. Thank you for your help tonight, my dear. I do hope I will see you again sooner, rather than later.”She bowed her head politely at Emilia as she passed her, eyes lingering on her until they were physically incapable of doing so. “Lady Emilia,” she let the words hang in the air as she made her departure. She could only make out what Emilia said behind her from a distance because the words had tugged on her heartstrings a little.“Come back safe, Lady Elise.”


Elise dipped down and found Emilia’s lips with her own, then. The kiss was softer than the others they had shared that night, as if to drive home the point that, yes, Elise did want Emilia to take care of her one last time. She wanted to be left more than just satisfied, because she never knew when they would see each other again or if they even would.


Author's notes:

This is from an ask that was sent to me, which I once again decided to turn into a smol fic. Each chapter will explore five different AUs for this couple.


plural noun : soulmates
a person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner.





milia, I don’t think I can take much more…” Elise struggled for breath. Her hands were buzzing, head spinning and heart hammering within its confinement. Maybe she had gone too long without this; the hands of another on her skin. Or maybe it was the way Emilia touched her that had brought her to this point. Likely a bit of both, really, but Elise was too far gone to linger on the thought for more than a few seconds.

Especially so, because Emilia had made it crystal clear that she was not done with her just yet — by way of tightening her grip on Elise’s hip with one hand while the other sought the heat between her legs anew.Elise felt the other’s fingers re-enter her yet again, soothing the fire within her and stoking the flames all at once. She could have easily moved away, being on top of Emilia, and yet she lingered despite her own words. She knew Emilia took note of this too, because her eyes lit up like amber held to the sun — a sight that made Elise’s breath hitch in the back of her throat.Just as her lips parted to say something however, Emilia hushed her softly. “You have been such a good girl, why stop now? Let me take care of you, one more time. Come here,” she said, giving Elise’s hip a downward tug. Elise didn’t need to be told twice, lowering herself onto her partner until their bodies lay flush together.Both hands brushed up along Emilia’s chest, shoulders and neck, until they found the soft skin of her cheeks. She caressed Emilia’s face as their eyes remained locked and Emilia’s fingers curled, drawing a breathy moan from the dancer.Elise dipped down and found Emilia’s lips with her own, then. The kiss was softer than the others they had shared that night, as if to drive home the point that, yes, Elise did want Emilia to take care of her one last time. She wanted to be left more than just satisfied, because she never knew when they would see each other again or if they even would.A thought surfaced; Emilia could easily find another lover during her trips. Someone more stable, who didn’t have to leave her for work like Elise did. Maybe even someone who could travel with her. Elise deepened the kiss they still held, her tongue pressing at lips, teeth, and tongue as well, a moan swallowed from the back of her throat.Her hands tangled with indigo hair now, fingers intertwining with locks before giving them a light tug. She didn’t have to tell Emilia to reciprocate — she already was, from the way she matched Elise’s fervent kissing to the way her hand angled itself to better allow fingers to slip in and out of her, all the while the soft base of her thumb gave some much needed attention to her clit.Elise only drew away from her lover’s lips to catch her breath, then buried her face in Emilia’s neck, kissing that instead. She nipped briefly at the skin, then bit down hard enough to bruise, yet not enough so to draw blood.Emilia panted against the pressure of Elise’s mouth. The hand of hers that had been keeping Elise in place against herself by her hip, it moved upwards to stroke down the dancer’s back, leaving red lines in the wake of her nails by her spine. She didn’t ask Elise what the sudden change in mood had been about, and in a way Elise was relieved that she didn’t.She just wasn’t ready to let Emilia know just how much she missed her when she was gone, nor how much she loved their time spent together. Loved her, even, as she had recently come to realize.Emilia’s fingers curled again and Elise’s brows knitted together. Her exhaustion almost entirely forgotten about at this point, Elise’s hips rolled in smooth motions over Emilia’s own — the movements only momentarily broken up by slight jerks when Emilia’s fingers began to settle into a faster rhythm.Another bite sank into Emilia’s neck, the other side this time. “Harder,” Elise’s voice had a slight tremor to it. When Emilia met her request and then some, Elise’s nails dug into her shoulders and her teeth released her neck all the while hips grinded downwards in a near desperate manner.And before she knew it, she was already climaxing, causing Elise’s entire body to shake and tense up. Moans filled the air, hungry, greedy, though some softer breaths were kissed into Emilia’s neck and earlobe in between them.Emilia only slowed to a stop when Elise’s muscles began to relax, releasing the iron hold she had on her. Emilia sank into the mattress, then, allowing Elise a few moments to catch her breath while arms enveloped her softly. The bliss of the moment was everything Elise could have wanted, right then — her head rested gently atop her partner’s chest, listening to the heavy thumping within and wondering why it never really slowed down.No words were needed, as it often went. Simply existing for a while in each other’s company was more than enough.A single kiss pressed to the inside of a breast, Elise’s eyes fluttering closed. She didn’t even register how Emilia turned them both over on their sides, eventually, cradling the dancer’s head against her collar as they both drifted off.Her secret remained safe another night, despite the way her heartbeat only slowed into a normal rhythm once she found sleep.

The ringing of Emilia’s phone probably sounded louder than it actually was, as it roused the two of them awake from the night stand. Emilia sighed deeply as she extricated herself from Elise just enough that she could reach over and grab it, having a quick look at the display before answering the call.It took about a minute, Emilia saying little more than “yeah” as she seemingly listened to the person on the other end talk on and on about, well, if Elise had to guess it was probably work related. The call ended with Emilia’s tired, “I’ll look into it.” as her free hand caressed Elise’s back and shoulder.Once Elise heard the subtle hang up noise, she slowly turned around to face Emilia. Her hand was grasped ever so softly, and guided up towards awaiting lips where the dancer pressed a fond little kiss to her knuckles. Looking up just in time to see the slightest smile spread across Emilia’s features, Elise hummed gently from the back of her throat.“How soon do you have to leave?” Elise said, her eyes scanning the other’s blue counterparts curiously. Emilia reached up to cup her cheek in an adoring manner, “Not sooner than breakfast, darling. Unless you’re too tired to get up anytime soon?”“And miss out on a lovely morning with you? You had better believe it’s not happening,” came Elise’s raspy reply. Her voice was still laced with sleep, so much so her words came out in half-broken up ways. The amusement in Emilia’s eyes was endless right then.“Well, in that case… It’d be amiss to disappoint someone so charming, now wouldn’t it?” Emilia leaned in, lips hovering near Elise’s own for but a moment before seizing them in a playful little kiss. It lasted exactly long enough to wake Elise up a tad, yet not long enough to leave her satisfied.The morning slowly passed, with Elise eventually making it out of the bed to join Emilia in the kitchen for some light chatter while they conjured up a healthy breakfast for two.“...And that’s how I was hired, essentially. I have Ruby to thank for a lot of things, she almost makes it worth sharing a thin wall with her, sometimes. I will say, though, I’m relieved she didn’t have company last night. It…” Elise trailed off, the knife in her hand slowing to a stop as she stood there, realizing what she had been about to say.“It…?” Emilia looked at her from the corner of her eye. Whatever she was thinking, she wasn’t showing.“It— nothing, nothing you should be worried about.” Elise tried, as her hand slowly picked up the soft chopping motions, eyes focusing solely on the vegetables on the cutting board.“You almost have me convinced, Elise, were it not for the fact that your face is as red as that tomato right there.” Emilia’s voice was playful as ever, the subtlest smirk playing at her lips as she looked at Elise briefly, likely to soak up her reaction.Elise’s shoulders raised for a moment, only to lower dramatically as she let slip a long, drawn-out sigh. “You’re not going to let this go, are you?” She asked, eyes practically piercing the tomato she was cutting — far sharper than the knife ever could. “Of course not.” Emilia responded.Drawing in a breath, Elise finally put the knife down and turned to the other. “It would have made last night a lot less intimate if we had miss loud as Hell in the background. Frankly, I would rather not have to contest with her, nor would I want her to distract you. I like it when I’ve got your undivided attention.”“Darling,” Emilia started, reaching to turn the stove off. “You always do.” The statement may have been bold, but the delivery was so sure of itself, Emilia’s voice resolute in a way Elise had rarely heard. It drew auburn eyes to drink in the other’s features while she slowly bridged the distance between them.Eyelids sank down over said eyes halfway as her cheek was cupped gently in the palm of Emilia’s hand. Elise had scarcely ever felt so secure within another’s grasp, she released a breath and allowed her eyes to flutter shut entirely.She couldn’t give in, not even now — her secret would remain locked away in her chest securely until her dying breath, if she had her way. She was sure of it.Sure, even as her entire being ached for Emilia. She wanted nothing more than for her to stay, to keep her there, to be the reason she would want to. Still, she had a sneaking suspicion that in order to make that happen, she would have to spill her feelings and that was the last thing she wanted to do. She could not open herself up to that potential hurt.Because if Emilia truly loved her back, surely she wouldn’t have left her alone for quite so long, so often. Surely, she would stay whether she knew or not. Of this, Elise was less sure.Her thought spiral was broken with a kiss, soft and secure, and equally as determined as Emilia’s last words had been. Elise had to stifle a noise in her throat as her lips were not only taken, but claimed, leaving not a trace of a doubt in her mind that Emilia liked giving her, her undivided attention in turn.The dancer’s hands rose to Emilia’s cheeks, fingers curling around her jaw on either side as she held the kiss for as long as she could get away with without making it seem desperate.Emilia drew back, but not without giving Elise’s cheek one final caress as she lingered long enough to say, “With or without Ruby as backup vocals, I wouldn’t dare get distracted while I’m with you, dear.”Elise husked a laugh, but her features were quick to settle into the smallest of smiles. Something about the way Emilia had said that, made her all the more unsure — because that couldn’t have been uncertainty at the edge of her voice right then, could it? Emilia had given her much to think about, that much was certain.And think about it she would. All morning when she caught glimpses of Emilia looking at her when she thought Elise had been looking away, and when Emilia smiled at her in that special way that reached her eyes. Even after she inevitably left, leaving Elise wondering how long she’d be gone for this time.She hoped it wouldn’t have been their final goodbye, at the very least.